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Nutricanine Canada - Raw dog food
Breed Doberman
  • Breed Group
    Working Group
  • Temperament
    Watchful, Loyal, Obedient, Intelligent, Fearless
  • Personality
    • Height24-29 in
    • Weight60-100 lbs
    • Lifespan10-12 years
    • EnergyHigh
    • GroomingMinimal
    • SheddingModerate


Doberman facts including best dog food for Dobermans by NutriCanine

Doberman Pinschers originated in Germany during the late 19th century. Their name derives from Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann, who was a tax collector and night watchman in Apolda, Germany.  He also operated a local dog pound, where he had access to a variety of different dog breeds. Dobermann began selective breeding to create his ideal guard dog to accompany him on his rounds, as tax collecting was a dangerous profession. Dobermann wanted a canine that was intelligent, devoted and athletic. The exact combination of breeds used to create the Doberman remains unknown, though it’s thought to be a combination of the German Pinscher, Black and Tan Terrier and Rottweiler. After Louis Dobermann’s death in 1894, the breed was named the “Doberman Pinscher” in his honour. The Doberman Pinscher was officially recognized as a breed by the American Kennel Club in 1908.

The Doberman has come a long way from the rough-hewn guard dog created by Louis Dobermann. Today’s Doberman is an affectionate, loving and loyal family dog. Dobermans also do well around other dogs and cats if socialized properly and introduced at a young age. When it comes to working intelligence and obedience, Dobermans rank very high on the list compared to other breeds. Having earned a reputation as a formidable guard dog, Dobermans still possess protective instincts. Dobermans are a highly energetic breed that require daily mental and physical enrichment and do best with a fence-in yard. However, if exercised daily and given enough attention Dobermans can adjust well to apartment living.

Create the perfect meal plan for your Doberman

Doberman Appearance 

The Doberman Pinscher is a medium-sized dog with a noble appearance and a sleek muscular physique. Their height ranges from 24 to 28 inches, and they can weigh anywhere from 55 to 90 pounds. Dobermans have a blunt wedge-shaped head and a long muzzle. They will typically have their ears cropped and tails docked short in countries where this practice is permitted. The Doberman’s coat can come in a variety of colours including black, blue, red or fawn.

Doberman Temperament 

The Doberman Pinscher is an intelligent breed with a lot of energy and stamina. They’re also one of the most misunderstood breeds, due to their intimidating size and strong jaws. The Doberman Pinscher is extremely loyal and protective of their family. They have a strong guarding instinct and will only act if they suspect their family is being threatened.

Learn how diet effects your dog’s behaviour

Grooming Your Doberman

Dobies require very minimal grooming.  As a result of their short, smooth coat Dobermans are low to moderate shedders. It’s recommended that you brush your Dobie once per week and bathe them every 6 to 8 weeks. A short-bristled brush or grooming mitt is recommended to help eliminate any shedding and keep your Dobie’s coat shiny and healthy. Dobermans should also have their nails trimmed at least once a month and their teeth and ears cleaned regularly.

Give your dog a shinier coat with fresh food

Training & Exercise for Your Doberman 

Dobermans are highly intelligent and eager to please. When it comes to training, they learn quickly through consistency and positive reinforcement. A well-trained Doberman makes a loyal companion for life.

The Doberman is a large dog breed with a lot of energy.  They need daily physical and mental exercise in order to stay healthy and happy. This should include a couple walks a day at a brisk pace. Dobermans also enjoy swimming and romping around a fenced-in yard.

Health Considerations for Dobermans

The average Doberman has a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years. To ensure your Dobie gets the most out of these years, it’s important to keep an eye out for certain genetic health issues they are susceptible to, including hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, chronic active hepatitis (CAH), von Willebrand Disease (vWD), dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and gastric dilatation and volvulus syndrome (GDV or Bloat).

Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD)

Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is one of the most common canine ailments. It’s a genetic condition that causes an abnormal formation of the hip socket, which can eventually lead to lameness and arthritis of the joints. This hereditary disease can be magnified by factors including excessive growth rate, age, types of exercise and improper weight and nutrition. Medium-sized dogs like the Doberman Pinscher are commonly affected by this health condition. To prevent or reduce the severity of hip dysplasia, it’s important to ensure your Doberman gets a proper diet and the right amount of exercise. 


Hypothyroidism is an inherited condition that is caused by a deficiency of the thyroid hormone. Due to the thyroid's widespread effects on the body, symptoms of hypothyroidism can vary. Some of the common symptoms to be aware of in your Dobie include obesity, lethargy, depression, anemia and weakness of the joints. Your Doberman should have their thyroid levels tested annually as this condition can develop at any time. If your Doberman is diagnosed with hypothyroidism, treatment is fairly simple and effective. With the assistance of medication your Dobie can go on to live a full life. 

Chronic Active Hepatitis (CAH)

Chronic active hepatitis (CAH) is the progressive inflammation of the liver. This can cause scar tissue to develop in the liver, reducing its function. As a result, the liver is unable to successfully metabolize copper, which can lead to copper toxicosis. This disease is more common in female Dobermans and often appears between the ages four and six. Copper storage disease is one of the common causes of CAH in Dobermans. Since clinical signs are hard to detect, early diagnosis of the disease can be difficult. Some symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, vomiting, abdominal swelling and jaundice. Since there is no cure, the best treatment is to feed your Doberman dog food that is low in copper.  

von Willebrand Disease (vWD)

Von Willebrand Disease is the most common inherited bleeding disorder found in dogs, particularly in Dobermans. This disease is a clotting disorder that causes excessive bleeding. It happens when there’s a deficiency of the protein von Willebrand factor. When an injury occurs, this protein is needed to help the platelets form blood clots to seal broken blood vessels. Symptoms can include nosebleeds, bloody urine or stool and prolonged or excessive bleeding during or after surgery. Dobermans often develop the mild form of the disease and if managed correctly the symptoms are rarely fatal.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a genetic condition where the heart muscle becomes progressively thicker and deteriorates. As a result, the heart is no longer able to pump blood to the rest of the body as efficiently. Symptoms of this condition can be difficult to detect during the early stages, but some signs to look for in your Doberman include irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, fainting, weakness and fatigue. Regular veterinary examinations are recommended to discover early signs of the disease in your Dobie. 

Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus Syndrome (GDV or Bloat)

Bloat, also known as gastric dilatation and volvulus syndrome, is a life-threatening disorder most commonly seen in large, deep-chested breeds including the Doberman. This condition is caused when the dog’s stomach fills with air and twists. This cuts off the circulation of blood and can be deadly if not corrected. Some of the signs of bloat to be aware of in your Doberman include salivation, obvious pain, a distended abdomen and retching. Ways to prevent this condition from happening to your Doberman include encouraging slower eating, providing easy to digest dog food and refraining from exercise immediately after eating. If you suspect that your Doberman has bloat, immediate veterinary attention is required.

Strengthen your dog’s immune system

What Makes a Doberman Unique? 

War Heroes

The Doberman Pinscher has played a significant role throughout history and their service during war times. The United States Marine Corps adopted the Doberman as their official war dog in World War ll. Dobermans were used in a variety of different capacities with some of their duties including guarding campgrounds, detecting mines, rescuing wounded soldiers and scouting enemy locations. A Dobie named Cappie saved the lives of 250 marines by alerting them to the presence of Japanese troops on the island of Guam. A Doberman named Kurt performing the same duty was killed by an enemy grenade becoming the first of 25 canine casualties in the 1944 battle of Guam. In honour of these brave Dobermans, a memorial has been created on the island of Guam in the South Pacific. 

Highly Intelligent 

Dobermans are ranked as the fifth most intelligent breed in the world. Their intelligence allows them to succeed in a variety of different roles, including police K9, search and rescue and service dogs. Dobermans are quick learners making them one of the easiest breeds to train.  

Dobermans Often Have Docked Ears and Tails 

Doberman Pinschers are commonly known for their pointed ears and short tails. Since Dobermans were originally bred as guard dogs, their owners would dock their ears and tail to improve their ability to protect and engage in fights. Some owners continue this practice today for health purposes. Dobermans' tails are known for being thin and sensitive causing them to break a lot easier than other dogs. Having them docked short is meant to help avoid any future injuries. The Doberman/s floppy ears also make it difficult for air to flow into the ear canals, which can result in ear infections. There are still those who are against the practice and some countries have banned it completely.

Sensitive to the Cold

Although Dobermans are a very versatile breed, they do not tolerate the cold weather well. Aside from the second layer of fur around their neck, the Doberman's single-layered coat and lack of body fat can make it difficult for them to retain their body heat. It’s important to remember to be extra cautious when walking your Dobie in the winter to ensure they stay warm and safe. 

Create a custom Doberman Meal Plan

Why NutriCanine Is Great For Dobermans

  • Best Dog Food for a Doberman Puppy (1-4 years)

    The best dog food for your Doberman puppy will be high quality and nutritionally complete to ensure they grow into a healthy adult. Doberman Pinschers will typically reach their full adult size when they’re one year old. When choosing the best dog food for your Dobie, it can help to understand the special needs of this particular breed. For example, Dobermans are prone to developing certain health conditions such as heart disease and hip dysplasia. Choosing a dog food that contains well-sourced protein, nutrients, and a proper amount of fat will help in the development of healthy bones and joints. The best dog food for your Doberman puppy will support healthy growth and take into account the breed’s health concerns in their later years.

    As your Doberman puppy is still in the process of development, another factor to consider is the consistency of their dog food. Your Dobie will have an easier time eating soft dog food as opposed to hard dry kibble. NutriCanine’s nutrient-dense and easily digestible meals are developed by a dog food formulation specialist for an incredible flavour and texture that your Dobie puppy will love. Our dog food recipes offer complete and balanced nutrition for your pup, with human-edible animal proteins and our unique blend of highly digestible fruits and vegetables. All our dog food recipes are freshly prepared with no hormones, no antibiotics, and no artificial preservatives, colours or flavours.

  • Best Dog Food for an Adult Doberman (5-7 years)
    When selecting the right dog food for your adult Doberman it’s important to consider a diet designed for large, active breeds. Keeping in mind that Dobermans are prone to obesity, high-quality and well-balanced dog food is essential to maintain a healthy body weight. The ideal dog food for your Dobie will include lean protein such as poultry and fish, low-moderate fat content, wholesome ingredients and plenty of vitamins and nutrients. At NutriCanine, we will take the time to learn about your Dobie and create a customized meal plan for their unique nutritional needs. Our dog food recipes come pre-portioned and ready to serve for a mess-free mealtime! NutriCanine dog food recipes are freshly prepared with real, human-edible, locally sourced ingredients.
  • Best Dog Food for a Senior Doberman

    As your Doberman's lifestyle begins to change it’s important to adjust their diet accordingly. Dobermans are more prone to obesity, making it crucial that their dog food is tailored to their age and health needs. NutriCanine’s raw dog food recipes are specially formulated to accommodate your senior dog’s nutritional needs; however, our gently cooked dog food line might be easier for an older dog to transition to if they’re not accustomed to fresh dog food. Our fresh dog food comes in a variety of delicious recipes that your Dobie will absolutely love, including high-quality proteins like chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, and chicken and salmon.

    There are numerous health benefits when feeding your Dobie a diet of real, fresh dog food. With complete and balanced nutrition from NutriCanine, you’ll start to see health benefits in your senior Dobie, including improved digestion, fresher breath, more stable energy levels, reduction of allergies and intolerances, brighter eyes, fresher breath, cleaner and whiter teeth, a stronger immune system, a thicker and glossier coat, less flatulence, and firmer stools, to name a few. Our dog food recipes offer complete and balanced nutrition for your Dobie, with human-edible animal proteins and our unique blend of highly digestible fruits and vegetables. All our dog food recipes are freshly prepared with no hormones, no antibiotics, and no artificial preservatives, colours or flavours.

  • Best Dog Food for an Overweight Doberman
    Is your Dobie experiencing weight issues? NutriCanine has just the right dog food recipe to get your pup back in shape. There are numerous health benefits when feeding your Dobie a diet of real, fresh dog food. With complete and balanced nutrition from NutriCanine, you’ll start to see health benefits in your Dobie, including improved digestion, fresher breath, more stable energy levels, reduction of allergies and intolerances, brighter eyes, fresher breath, cleaner and whiter teeth, a stronger immune system, a thicker and glossier coat, less flatulence, and firmer stools, to name a few. NutriCanine takes the time to get to know your pup to create a customizable meal plan to best suit their nutritional needs. NutriCanine dog food recipes also come pre-portioned, making it easy to track and control your Dobie’s calorie intake.
  • Best Dog Food for a Doberman with a Sensitive Stomach
    Deciding which dog food to feed your Doberman with a sensitive stomach is made easy with NutriCanine. Our gently cooked dog food recipes are specially designed to meet your Dobie’s nutritional needs. With a variety of protein-forward recipes to choose from, a great starting point is our gently cooked beef dog food recipe as it would respond well to your Dobie’s sensitive stomach. This unique blend contains antioxidant-rich berries and highly digestible rice, the perfect formula to strengthen your Dobie’s immune system while reducing any allergies and intolerances. NutriCanine’s meals are freshly prepared with real, human-edible, locally sourced ingredients. NutriCanine’s dog food is always free of hormones, antibiotics and preservatives.

Top 10 Facts About Dobermans

Learn more about NutriCanine’s meal plans

NutriCanine Meals


NutriCanine raw recipes contain a unique blend of highly digestible fruits and vegetables. Our raw recipes offer complete and balanced nutrition, ideal for all dogs of all ages and sizes. The transition to raw tends to be easier for younger dogs and high energy dogs.

Try NutriCanine raw recipes

Gently Cooked

NutriCanine gently cooked recipes are great for all dogs including picky eaters, sensitive stomachs, or senior dogs with brittle teeth. Our recipes are safe enough for humans to eat but specially designed to meet your dog's nutritional needs.

Try NutriCanine gently cooked recipes